Home Business 6 intriguing facts about Ruth Bader Ginsburg

6 intriguing facts about Ruth Bader Ginsburg

by Jan Schroder

Ginsburg was an extra in two Washington National Opera productions – once in full costume with powdered wig and once as herself.

• She failed her driving test five times.

• Though Sandra Day O’Connor sat on the Supreme Court for 12 years before Ginsburg, there was no women’s bathroom until Ginsburg raised the issue.

• She was a baton twirler in high school.

• Her collars conveyed her opinion on a ruling – l ace reflected a majority opinion; mirrored necklace represented dissent.

• Ginsburg hid her pregnancy under baggy clothes because it was considered a “temporary disability” during the 1960s for which women could be fired.

– Eve Lederman, The 100 Companies

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