Home Food & Drinks A guide to summer beers brewed in Wisconsin

A guide to summer beers brewed in Wisconsin

Summer beers

Though best known for macro beers from the big names that made Milwaukee famous, Wisconsin is increasingly becoming a destination for craft and micro brews of various styles and flavors, produced by breweries of all sizes. Almost anywhere you venture in the state this summer, it’s likely a local brewery is nearby.

Here are three summer-approved brews made in Wisconsin:

1. 12 oz. Curl, Ale Asylum, Madison. A crisp, clean pilsner.

2. Walloon Witbier, Badger State Brewing, Green Bay. Refreshing Belgian-style wheat perfect for BBQs.

3. Little Sister, Door County Brewing Company, Baileys Harbor. Perfectly balanced blend of citrus and spice.

Griffin Gotta

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