Home Lifestyle Getting your groove back

Getting your groove back

by Jan Schroder

As we say goodbye to the lazy days of summer, how do we reenergize ourselves to get our groove back? The Japanese have six methods:

  1. Ikigai: Discover your purpose – what excites you?
  2. Kaizen: Focus on small improvements each day.
  3. Pomodoro Technique: Work in 25-minute increments and then take a 5-minute break; repeat.
  4. Hara hachibu: Don’t overeat; stopping when you are 80% full fuels energy.
  5. Shoshin: Approach each task with the curiosity as if it were your first time.
  6. Wabi Sabi: Embrace imperfections and don’t stress over details.

Incorporating these techniques should help you transition from summer lethargy to autumn liveliness.

– Betsie GambelGambel Communications, The New Orleans 100

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