Home Business Now you can hear the whispers of the wealthy

Now you can hear the whispers of the wealthy

by Jan Schroder

I avoid rich people, but I’ve spent decades listening to wealthy people.

Rich people are on a mission to spend their money. It’s not always pretty. They squander it. Wealthy people are on a quest to leave something to future generations – just as they may’ve inherited it from previous ones.

Rich people tell others about their money. Wealthy people tell their money to go and make more money. When wealthy people talk to people about money, they often whisper. I’ve been listening – and taking notes. Now I’ve written a book with their secrets so I could share them with you.

“Money Secrets: A Little Book of Wisdom” published Nov. 4. Find it, and my other books, on Amazon.

– Jeff Arnold, RIGHTSURE, The Arizona 100

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