Home LifestyleCars How are bad guys stealing Kias with a USB cord?

How are bad guys stealing Kias with a USB cord?

by Jan Schroder

By now you’ve probably heard of the infamous Kia Challenge – a TikTok trend where thieves are somehow stealing newer Hyundais and Kias with … a USB cord? How?

According to a recent lawsuit, Kias and Hyundais from 2011-2021 and 2015-2021, respectively, were shipped without immobilizers. As the name implies, immobilizers prevent your car from starting until they sense your keyfob. Without one, Kia thieves can start your car by removing your steering column cover and turning an ignition switch with a USB cord.

How should you defend yourself? I’ve been telling my Korean car-owning friends to invest in a Club 3000.

– Chris Butsch, The Arizona 100

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