Home History Where does the term ‘cheesehead’ come from?

Where does the term ‘cheesehead’ come from?

by Chris Butsch
Green Bay fan

Wisconsin’s favorite foam triangle and corresponding nickname didn’t originate here, or even in America.

After steamrolling through Scandinavia at the outset of WWII, German soldiers coined the term “cheesehead” as an insult for the oppressed Dutch people. The term was later resurrected by Chicago sports fans to tease Dairylanders following their (only) Super Bowl victory in 1986. However, Wisconsinites embraced the term, and in 1987, a Brewers fan named Ralph Bruno created the first cheesehead using a cushion from his mother’s couch.

Today, a company called Foamation owns the Cheesehead trademark, producing millions of cheeseheads for Dairyland fans across America.

– Chris Butsch, The 100 Companies

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